The Walden School Young Musicians Program Festival Week
Monday–Wednesday July 25-27
All events listed are free and open to the public.
Monday, July 25 – Festival Week Forum I
Tuesday, July 26– Festival Week Forum II
Wednesday, July 27–Festival Week Forum III
These three Composers Forums feature world premieres of works written during the summer by each student in the Young Musicians Program, followed by discussions moderated by YMP faculty members and Composer-in-Residence Amy Beth Kirsten. All Festival Week Forums are at 7:30pm Eastern, at the Louise Shonk Kelly Recital Hall at Dublin School.
Livestream link to Forum I
Livestream link to Forum II
Livestream link to Forum III
As Walden’s concerts are open to the public, we are asking all audience members, including Young Musicians Program students, to wear a mask while attending these events.