Our talented team
who loves music

In addition to their many talents, the faculty and staff of the Walden School are trained in performance, composition, conducting, theory and pedagogy.

You can keep up with announcements of faculty and staff at our upcoming summer programs on the Creative Musicians Retreat and Young Musicians Program faculty and staff pages.



What is particularly special about Walden is that it doesn’t just teach music. The people at Walden teach each other how to build and care for creative communities full of diverse perspectives. We just happen to do this through music. As a former student and current faculty member it is a privilege to be a part of this community, but it is not something that everyone gets to experience. The power of such a community is special and something worth creating in every part of our lives and sharing with the people around us.”

– Alex Christie, Walden faculty

Past Faculty and Staff

Adam Albrecht
Ben Aldridge
Jim Altieri
Leah Asher
Katherine Balch
Erica Ball
Anne Deane Berman
Meade Bernard
Whit Bernard
Madeline Bersamina
Christianne Bessières Lane
Marshall Bessières
Megan Grace Beugger
Tamar Bloch
Andrew Bobker
Amy Bolaños
June Bonacich
Ethan Borshansky
Cynthia Brackbill Harkum
Sara Brown
Tom Brustman
Liz Bucko
Ann Callaway
Thomas Carr
Nansi Carroll
Alan Chan
Joshua Clampitt
Mitchell Clark
Jeffrey Cohen
Tom Colohan
Sarah Cornog
Stephen Coxe
Robert Crites
Shawn Crouch
Trevor Danko
Derek David
Charlie Dees

Carol Thomas Downing
Amy Dinsmore
David Drucker
Anouk Erni
Paul Ettlinger
Bradley Evans
Hali Fieldman
Stacy Garrop
Michael Gilberston
Ann Goehe
Demmanuel Gonzalez
Maddy Greenfield
Kathryn Grisbacher
Susan Hahs
Steven Hankle
Dawn Denham Haynes
George Halsell
Jason Haney
Jeffrey Hebden
Lynn Taylor Hebden
Thomas Hecht
Erika Homann
Joyce Jopkins
Brooke Joyce
Rachel Israel
Bonnie Jacobowitz
Nancy Tsuyuki Jerome
Dana Jessen
Beatrice Jindra
Michael Johanson
Ben Kamen
Laura Keeler
Alysoun Kegel
William Kelly
Seth Knopp
Elyse Kolodin
Josie Kovash

Thomas Kraines
Kary Kramer
Leland Kusmer
Gabriel Kyne
Marguerite Ladd
Esther Landau
Damon Lee
Teresa LeVelle
Wesley Levers
Amy Logsdon
Lois London
Tom Lopez
Amelia Lukas
Christopher Luna-Mega
Virginia Luna-Mega
Sky Macklay
Tony Makarome
Emil Margolis
Ted Masur
Jed McGiffin
Rob McLean
Laura Mehiel
Jenna Melissas
Sally Mitchell
Jonathan Miller
Noah Mlotek
Ted Moore
Gary Monheit
Ian Munro
Pedja Muzijevic
Paul Nauert
Aurora Nealand
Georgann Nedwell
Alex Ness
Elliot Nguyen
Tierney O’Brien
Francois Oeshkin

Nnenna Ogwo
Denise Ondishko
Jefferson Packer
Robert Paterson
Susanna Payne-Passmore
Molly Pindell
Patricia Plude
Carol Prochazka
Erin Quist
Pamela Layman Quist
Judith Pannill Raiford
Ruth Rainero
Brendon Randall-Myers
Nirvan Ranganathan
Lance Reddick
Brian Rogan
Montana Rogers
Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie
Julia Swift Saul
Danielle Schindler Cheung
Robin Seto
Daniel Shaud
Noelle Shipman
Moshe Shulman
Hamilton Sims
Bill Stevens
Garth Sunderland
Zoltan Szabo
Dan Temkin
Andrew Thams
Peter Thompson
Jennifer Turner
Becca Van Kirk
Leo Wanenchak
Evan Williams
Cody Wright
Marie Claire Whiteford
John Yankee

We are always looking for outstanding team members.